Operation of Small Drinking Water Systems
Successful completion of this course meets the requirements of a “Trained Person” under O.Reg.170/03, Section 1 (1), of the Safe Drinking Water Act, to operate, maintain, and take samples from a small non-municipal non-residential system serving a designated facility, small municipal non-residential system serving a designated facility, and non-municipal seasonal residential system serving a designated facility.
If your business makes drinking water available to the public and you do not get your drinking water from a municipal drinking water system, you may be the owner or operator of a small drinking water system.
The course also meets the requirement for a person to complete a course of study approved by the Director as one of the qualifications for a Limited Groundwater Subsystem Operator Certificate or Limited Surface Water Subsystem Operator.
The Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence provides classroom instruction to help facilitate preparation to successfully complete the OSDWS exam.